Thank you very much for the interesting talk on Tuesday morning. Your efforts were very much appreciated by the girls and the staff as later discussions revealed. The water divining way to demonstrate a ‘double blind’ trial was excellent and made it very clear to the girls. And nothing beats a good dose of ‘magic’ spoons to get them hooked!
We hope you are still in business next year so you can come again to our next Year 10 group.
Thank you again,
Denise Foot Assistant Head of Science Abbotsleigh
School for Girls
Mystery Investigators Live On Stage

The mysteries of
- Spoon Bending
- Fire Walking
- Power Wrist Bands
- Water Divining
- Astrology
- False Memories
and many more are put under the scientific microscope in this fun and interactive show.
Since 2003 the Mystery Investigators have taught thousands of students how to use science to unlock the secrets behind the strange and mysterious.
Science Show for Schools, Clubs and your next Convention