The Mystery Investigators
Thank you very much for the interesting talk on Tuesday morning. Your efforts were very much appreciated by the girls and the staff as later discussions revealed. The water divining way to demonstrate a ‘double blind’ trial was excellent and made it very clear to the girls. And nothing beats a good dose of ‘magic’ spoons to get them hooked!
We hope you are still in business next year so you can come again to our next Year 10 group.
Thank you again,
Denise Foot Assistant Head of Science Abbotsleigh
School for Girls

Archive Apirl 2005
"The Mystery Investigator No.3 "26.April.2005
Click here for the “The Mystery Investigator”, FREE to download.
(PDF – 2.3mb)
“The Mystery Investigator” April 2005
- Editorial
- What in the World?
- Just How Bad is The BAD Astronomer?
- Your STARS for April
- Call me RATBAG!
- Book Review : Merchants of Deception
- Talking with the Dead?
- Lynne Kelly Master of Tauromancy
- Book Review : Inside the mind of a Mind Hunter
- Mystery Investigators LIVE
- Berzerkeley Psychics
- Ask for AUST R
- Yellow Bamboozled
Crop Circles? 6.April.2005
The Crop Circle documentary “” was shown at the Valhalla Cinema in Sydney this week. 77 minutes of pure drivel and that’s being kind.
OK, for the newage believer this is all well and good. What is not well and good is that well known faked crop circles being shown as real. Most of the audience, as relived in the Q&A that followed, believed everything that was told them, even when what was told contradicted itself from minute to minute.
So, according to this ‘documentary’; (and I kid you not)
- we can all expect to have 11 more stands of DNA before the year 2012
- crop circles are made under orders of the galactic federation
- crop circles are made by 5 foot tall aliens who abduct people
- there is a great ‘awakening’ of our true spiritual selves that will sweep the world… any time now.
- crop circles have ‘energy fields’ that have been scientifically proven
- dust orb are also messages from the crop circles makers
- crop circles are made with advanced mathematics beyond our current understanding
- our cell structures are changing to ‘bring in a higher vibration’ to receive messages
It went on and on and on. This was truly a case of people willing to abandon all critical thinking. At one stage I looked around to see if I could spot the hidden cameras as I was sure the whole thing must have been a set-up. Sadly, it was not.
If you want to know how crop circles are really made, visit