Archive June 2005
The BAD Astronomer 28.June.2005
Dr. Phil Plait, known as ‘The Bad Astronomer’, visited Australia late in 2004. His public lecture exposing lunacy of those who insist humans never went to the moon, was the highlight of the Australian Skeptics national convention. Phil also talked about various other wired and wacky space conspiracies such as the so-called face on Mars.
Phil’s easy going style, combined with his in-depth knowledge of the subject, makes him one of the better science communicators ever to visit our shores.
You can read an interview with Phil in the latest issue of The Mystery Investigator, or visit his to read more.
John Edward, Mark Mayer & Me 14.June.2005
In April this year, the famous Clairvoyant/Medium, John Edward, made a trip to Australia for a one-off show in order to support the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation. An odd choice given that Edward’s act revolves around talking with the dead. In any case, Edward was also going to be a guest on channel 9's Mornings With Kerrie-Anne and I was lucky enough to get a ticket.
I made my way to the channel 9 studios in Artarmon, Sydney. My name was ticked off and I waiting, together with about 20 others, in a small outside but covered BBQ area. We were there for about 30 minutes, more than enough time for me to easily overhear ( I could not avoid it ) various conversations, many of which revolved around family issues. As was the case with other events I have attended, I could have amazed people later on with my insights into their private lives. But I did not suspect anyone there of being a snoop for Edward.
As we entered the studio, a member of the crew told us to
“Think up your questions now for John Edward. You know, who you’d like to contact.”
We were told this another 3 times during the commercial breaks in the first half of the show. I must admit to finding this a strange request as Edward does not work that way. It is he who asks the questions about the dear departed, not the audience. I suspected that the crew were simply acting on what they thought Edward can do, that is make contact with certain specific dead people as, after all, that’s what he does on his TV show all the time. My suspicions were confirmed when shortly before Edward was to appear, a producer came over and said
“Oh, I’ve just been with John Edward and he is amazing! I was a skeptic but he told me things he could not have known and contacted my dead relatives.”
- Gasps from the audience.-
“But he does not do dial-up, OK? He cannot contact the loved one you want to talk with, it’s up to them to contact him, so no questions about your relatives.”
What the…? I could see that others in the audience were terribly disappointed at this news as they had come to see John Edward talk with the dead and hopefully the dead they were wanting to contact. Edward took credit for a flickering monitor in the make up room.
“Things like that are always happening around me.”
he was reported to have said. Really? One wonders why, just like Uri Geller, he is permitted to board aircraft.
Edward soon appeared on the set and was introduced by Kerri-Anne. “Well, this is the man you’ve all been waiting for. We are very, very privileged this morning to have with us best seller author and host of ‘Crossing Over’, internationally acclaimed psychic and medium, John Edward. Applause, applause, applause ladies and gentlemen.” The tone was set.
The interview lasted the best part of 40 minutes with various commercial breaks. We were allowed to ask general questions and it did cross my mind to try to somehow catch him out or make a protest. But the last thing I wanted was to make an ass of myself (I do that often enough anyway) on national TV. I knew that Edward was in control of the situation and could turn around any criticism. The rest of the audience was on his side, the network was on his side and so on. So, I kept my mouth shut and let others question him about,
“What’s it like to be a psychic?”, “Are there times when you take a break?”, “Do you still do ballroom dancing?”
An interesting moment come when a viewer emailed in asking Edward could help in finding Daniel Morecombe, the school boy who disappeared in 2003 from the Sunshine coast. Now if anyone should have special knowledge, gained from ‘the other side’ about such matters, surly it would be super-medium Edward. Nope. The question was fobbed off with Edward offering no help, no hope.
As the show ended, Edward waved goodbye and thanked us for coming. Kerri-Anne, charming as ever, came over to thank us again and stayed a while to chat to everyone and answer questions. This was my chance.
“Would you have someone on your show, who does the same things as John Edward, but does not claim any psychic powers?”
Kerrie-Anne was instantly interested and before long I had given her some details.
Within a few days, the Mornings show had contacted Melbourne mentalist and magician, Mark Mayer. Mark was flown up to Sydney and appeared on the show for best part of 15 minutes. During his time, Mark made many good points about what Edward claims to do and what he really does do. He mentioned Edward’s disclaimer and totally wowed Kerri-Anne with some good old fashion mentalism.
“Maybe Edward does hear voices in his head. There is medication for that.”
All in all, Mark did a splendid job in giving an overview of cold reading and how people can be fooled.
So, out of a national TV appearance of the a so-called psychic, came a national TV appearance of a skeptic. Though I don’t think the 9 network will make a habit of it, it was a still good result.
Richard Saunders
Mark Mayer's web site :