The Mystery Investigators
Thank you very much for the interesting talk on Tuesday morning. Your efforts were very much appreciated by the girls and the staff as later discussions revealed. The water divining way to demonstrate a ‘double blind’ trial was excellent and made it very clear to the girls. And nothing beats a good dose of ‘magic’ spoons to get them hooked!
We hope you are still in business next year so you can come again to our next Year 10 group.
Thank you again,
Denise Foot Assistant Head of Science Abbotsleigh
School for Girls
Archive September - October 2005
Sunrise TV31.Oct.2005
See the 'debate' on TV's Sunrise show with Richard from Mystery Investigators and Colleen Harrison from 'Ghost Tours' in Sydney.
Sunrise TV18.Oct.2005

See the debate seen TV's Sunrise show with Crop Circle researcher Janet Ossebaard and Richard from Mystery Investigators. Even though Janet insisted that science has shown that Crop Circles could not be the work of humans, Richard showed photo after photo of humans making Crop Circles, including a school boy in Denmark.
Multi Media 20.Sept.2005
At last, the new Skeptic Tank Podcast is ready and online. This audio show is produced here at Mystery Investigators HQ and is made with the help of Cyruis Media and Australian Skeptics.
The first show is about "Intelligent Design" plus some Bad Astronomy - 
Prof. Eugenie C Scott and Dr. Phil Plait. There will be a new show every two weeks.
See the debate on TV's Sunrise show with '2004 Psychic of the Year', Simon Turnbull and Richard from Mystery Investigators.